IMPORTANT: MaxVal’s free tools use patent data from the EPO. Occasionally, EPO restricts the data availability and our tools may be unavailable during such times. We are working on other alternatives to make our tools available at all times. Thanks for your understanding. For any immediate queries or requests, please contact [email protected]

How many hours have you spent at work generating EFS-ready information disclosure statements? All that could change with IDS Generator.
IDS Generator is a web-based tool that helps you fill out an IDS form quickly, accurately, and efficiently. Simply enter patent or publication number(s) or copy and paste from a document (Word or Excel) and this amazing tool will generate a USPTO-approved EFS-ready document for you.


The IDS generated using this tool will be emailed to the email id registered with Max-Insight.

Please note that PTO's EFS ready IDS form has the following limit for references in one form. U.S. Patent citations and U.S. Published Applications - 300; Foreign – 50; and NPL – 50.

Information Disclosure
Statement by Applicant

( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)

Application Number
Filing Date
First Named Inventor
Art Unit
Examiner Name
Attorney Docket Number

U.S.Patent Application Publications

Foreign Patent Documents

Non-Patent Literature Documents

Enter your work email ID
MaxVal does not track usage. Only the name, email address, and tool used are collected.
Please download the template from here and upload file after filling the appropriate field.
Upload File
Enter your work email ID
MaxVal does not track usage. Only the name, email address, and tool used are collected.
Note: This tool requires Adobe Reader 8 or higher to open or edit the file generated.


The tools works best in Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 or higher, Chrome and Firefox 3.6 or higher

Demo Video

Click on the video below to view a demo on how this tool works

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